
Caue Moyano,

a Software Developer based in Canada.

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RESA Electronics

Resa Electronics website image

An e-commerce website focused on selling second-hand electronic devices. It's a fictional company intended to make people aware of the importance of reusing and recycling through the selling of high-quality used products.

Drinks Hub

Drinks Hub website image

A web app that provides information about drinks. All data is provided by a free API and displayed in UI with smooth animated transitions. Users can search, sort and filter inputs. Application written in Typescript and tested using Jest/RTL.

Maple Bear Adventures

Maple Bear Adventures website image

It is a website for a fictional adventure agency which offers outdoor activities. The website provides interactivity to display the possibilities at the first glance.



Who I am

Software Developer with over three years of hands-on experience in developing robust softwares. Specialized in JavaScript, TypeScript and Python, with a comprehensive background in both front-end and back-end technologies. Proven expertise in delivering high-quality, scalable software solutions, with a strong grasp of Object Oriented Programming, agile methodology and design patterns.


BEng Mechanical Engineering
PGDip Business Management


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